We talked about how cultures can change over time, and we did this by talking about how Mongolia is different today from how it was 100 years ago.
Mongolia 100 years ago:
-Most people lived in the country.
-Everyone lived in gers.
-Everyone rode horses.
-People rarely ate sweets.
-People ate even more meat and fewer vegetables.
-Everyone wore dels.
-There were a lot more temples.
-There were fewer schools.
Mongolia today:
-Most people live in cities.
-Most people live in apartments or houses.
-Many people drive cars.
-People eat more sweets and vegetables.
-People eat more Western style food.
-Fewer people wear dels.
-There are fewer temples.
-There are more schools.
A few pronunciation problems that came up in this lesson were:
Wolfgang --> sounds like "woaf-gang"
symphony --> sounds like "sim-faw-nee" (make sure you bite your bottom lip when you say the /f/ or /ph/ sound)
tournament --> sounds like "turn-uh-munt"
punctuality --> sounds like "punk-choo-ya-li-dee"
Ecuador --> sounds like "ek-wuh-door"
vaccinations --> sounds like "vak-si-nay-shunz"
immunization --> sounds like "im-myoo-n-eye-zay-shunz"
illness --> sounds like "il-nuhs"
prescription --> sounds like "pree-skrip-shun"
participation --> sounds like "par-ti-si-pay-shun"
social --> sounds like "so-shuhl"
supply --> sounds like "suh-pl-eye"
frightening --> sounds like "fr-eye-t-ning"
A few phrases that came up in this lesson were:
"on the fence" --> undecided, not sure one way or the other about a decision
"Get right out of town!" --> Are you serious? Are you kidding? Are you joking? I can't believe it!
"the beaten path" --> the place or thing that absolutely everyone does. To get off the beaten path, you have to do something different or go someplace different.
A few vocabulary words from this lesson were:
formal behaviour --> the things you say and do in very formal, serious situations
Machu Picchu --> a pre-Colombian 15th century Inca site. It is a very popular tourist destination in Peru. Click here for more information about Machu Picchu.
vaccinations --> the administration of a vaccine to provide immunity from certain diseases
immunizations --> the process in which one's immune system is fortified against an agent
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Chrysanthemums |
Don't forget your homework:
Please do pp. 8-11 in your workbooks (page 12 is optional).
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