"When in Rome, do as the Romans do." --> When you are in another country, you should behave the way the local people behave.
"They are like night and day." --> We use this expression to talk about two people or things that are complete opposites, such as Marie's brothers.
A few vocabulary words that came up in this lesson were:
bungy --> jump from a tall bridge or tower with just an elastic coard tied around your ankles. wheeeeee!
custom --> the usual way of acting in certain circumstances
small talk --> things we talk about that are not important or major issues; topics that everyone can relate to, such as the weather
rude --> impolite
bow --> what the Japanese and Koreans love to do
wave --> move your hand back and forth as a sign for "hello" or "goodbye"
kiss (or "bises") --> to kiss your friend on both cheeks when saying "hello" or "goodbye". Europeans like to do this.
The Thai Wai |
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